
Both a requiem and an honouring of Canadas First Nations, Metis and Inuit women, Nimmikaage (She Dances for People) deconstructs the layers beneath the recorded pageantry of Canadian nationalism and shifts the balance of power to reclaim the Canadian narrative, putting the enduring strength and resilience of Indigenous women at the forefront.
"Michelle Latimer's Nimmikaage (She Dances for People) deconstructs Canadian nationalism."
Kevin Ritchie - Reelscreen
2016 National Gallery of Canada - OTTAWA
2016 Hot Docs International Film Festival - TORONTO
2016 Oberhausen - GERMANY
2016 Glasgow Short Film Festival - SCOTLAND
2016 ImagineNATIVE Film & Media Arts - TORONTO
2016 Aspen Shorts Fest - USA
2016 Pan Am Games - TORONTO
Director: Michelle Latimer
Editor: Ros Kalloo
Music by: Tanya Taqaq
Produced by: The National Film Board of Canada
Reelscreen - NFB Premieres Aboriginal Short Film Series
National Art Gallery of Canada Magazine - A Different Kind of Souvenir
Canadian Art Magazine - Indigenous Artists Remix NFB Footage In Four Films
Scotia Bank Contact Photography Festival - Group Exhibition: Souvenir
Cinemablographer - Indigenous Filmmakers Reframe NFB Archive in Souvenir
The National Film Board - Indigenous New Wave: NFB at the Pan Am Games